Family Church began on May 7th, 1997 with Pastor Matt and Aimee Flanders and six enthusiastic people. Family Church's mission is to see changed lives as people connect, serve, give and grow in our region.
The first church members met in Marvin and Linda Flanders' (Pastor Matt's parents) home in Lebanon. The church began to grow from six people to approximately 30 people. The newly-born FC held tight to the vision and believed God for another church building to replace the outgrown home-based sanctuary.
Early in 1998 FC moved into an old church house on Highway 5 that came to be known as "North Branch". Volunteers spent countless hours doing renovations and personalizing the small church. During this time, FC began to experience amazing growth. In less than two years, services had more than tripled in size to about 100 people. The North Branch building has since been torn down.
In 1999, the church moved to "South Branch". This building, which was formerly used as office-spaces, would be totally renovated and converted into a church building. In 2004, another renovation took place to add modern touches to the sanctuary. It wasn't long until the services were packed, forcing an off-campus youth building and the acquisition of the adjacent building for the children's ministry.
Something amazing happened in December 2004. The church was given 20 acres of commercial property valued at $300,000. God blessed FC with the property to further His church and the vision given to Pastor Matt and Aimee. The church held its groundbreaking service at the new property on May 20, 2007, starting construction for a 21,600 square foot campus to hold staff offices, a large worship auditorium, children's auditorium, nurseries and coffee-shop/bookstore.
In 2010, FC began work on constructing an addition to bring the student ministry in-house once again. This building features state-of-the-art sound, lighting and projection and provides an intense environment for students to worship God.
Family Church's mission is to see changed lives as people connect, serve, give and grow.
Connect is defined as to join or unite. We want to see God’s people and the people of Family Church unite and build strong lasting relationships. When strong connections, are made you find yourself praying for one another and binding together to defeat the enemy. Deut. 32:30, tells us that one can put a thousand to flight and two can put ten thousand to flight. We are stronger together.
God has given each of us unique gifts and skills. We provide you with opportunities to use your talents to serve God’s vision by volunteering through the local church.
Giving is not simply financial. While that is very important and Biblical, we also want to give of our time.As we step outside the four walls of this building we are able to reach out into the world and make a difference. We want to focus our efforts on spreading the word about the love of Jesus through community outreach. We desire to Raise the Standard in this region and make a difference in lives for the glory of God.
We want to see people continuously grow, by spending time in corporate prayer, attending worship experiences and events held by the church. If people are not growing spiritually then many of our efforts are in vain. It means something when we see our people walking in the victory that Jesus died to give them, when good fruit production is evident (Matt 12:33).